Haven't we all been there? Just when we get comfortable in the rules, regulations, and standard operating procedures of our workplace wardrobes, the game changes* and we find ourselves staring blankly into the void of our burgeoning closet and shout with all that is left of our strength:
At risk of being fired because we show up to work
wearing what the lady in the Bluefly.com cocktail commercials dons, we have two options:
1. Run like mad for the nearest shopping area (because online shopping just won't do in a time crunch!)
2. Shop in our own closets.
As you know, I am moving to the Valley of the Sun in T-one week. After years spent working on Capitol Hill (most recently for the most fashionable Member...a very tough act to live up to!) I now find myself facing the most daunting wardrobe task of all - the dreaded "business casual" office.
Given my recent off-the-Hill and campaign work, I now have the two wardrobe extremes: the "I am a professional,
damnit, in a suit 5 days a week balls-to-the-wall on the Hill" wardrobe...and the "I just don't give a damn anymore and no one cares anyways" wardrobe.
In an attempt to save money and have less to pack for my move I decided that I would follow the #2 option listed above: Shop in my own closet. Besides, as the ever elegant (and one of the most fashionable ladies I know)
Miss Mindless puts it: at what point do we say, "Enough! I have enough!"
I must admit - I was fairly impressed with the results. Are any of these outfits on the cutting edge of fashion? No. And that's just fine by me - I like classic things and I'd be hard-pressed to find anyone who
considers me to be trendy in any way.
Here are some of the pieces I pulled together. It should be noted that, before this exercise, I had never worn any of these combinations before - so to me these truly are brand new outfits.

Shirt: J. Crew Slim Stretch Shirt - White
Pants: J. Crew Original Fit Chino - Stone
Belt: Ann Taylor Wide Patent Belt - Black
Enzo Angiolini peeptoe heels - Black
Necklace: Express - Black

Shirt: J. Crew Cashmere T - Black
Pants: J. Crew Original Fit Chino - Stone
Belt: J. Crew Refined Skinny Leather Belt - Black
Shoes: Linea Paolo Patent heels - Red (!!)
Necklace: Banana Republic - Pearl
Up close shot of my shoes, since my pants are a wee bit too long. The jury is still out as to whether these are actually office-appropriate or not. I sure do love 'em!
Shirt: J. Crew Slim Stretch shirt - White
Pants: J. Crew Original Chino - Pink
Belt: Ann Taylor Wide Patent Belt - Black
Shoes: Enzo Angiolini peeptoe heels - Black
Necklace: Express - Black

Shirt: J. Crew Slim Stretch shirt - White
Pants: J. Crew Original Chino - Mustard
Sweater: J. Crew Jackie Sweater - Navy
Shoes: crappy kitten heel boots - Brown
Necklace: "borrowed" from Grandma Bea's closet - Orange

Shirt: Express Sleeveless Wrap - Leopard
Pants: J. Crew Original Chino - White
Sweater: J. Crew Jackie Sweater - Black
Shoes: Engo Angiolini peeptoe heels - Black
Necklace: Nordstrom Long pearl strand - Pearl

Shirt: Express Sleeveless Wrap - Leopard
Pants: J. Crew Original Chino - White
Sweater: Ann Taylor Cardigan - Green
Shoes: Engo Angiolini peeptoe heels - Black
Necklace: Nordstrom Long pearl strand - Pearl

Shirt: Gap Lace-trim Tank Top - White
Vest: J. Crew cable knit vest - Navy
Pants: J. Crew Original Chino - White
Jacket: J. Crew Seersucker - Navy
Shoes: Payless Linen kitten heels - Yellow
Necklace: Nordstrom Long pearl strand - Pearl
Up close of yellow kitten heels. Pretty darned cute for $15, eh?? Pretty darned comfy too!
Shirt: Gap Lace-trim Tank Top - White
Vest: J. Crew cable knit vest - Navy
Pants: J. Crew Original Chino - White
Belt: Ann Taylor Wide Patent Belt - Green
Shoes: Enzo Angioloni Peeptoe heels - nude (not shown!)
Nordstrom Long pearl strand - Pearl

Shirt: Ann Taylor Cashmere sleeveless sweater w/ tie -
TurquoisePants: J. Crew Original Chino - White
Sweater: J. Crew Jackie Cardigan - Black
Belt: J. Crew Refined Skinny Leather Belt - Black
Shoes: Kenneth Cole Patent Flats - Black
Brooch: "Borrowed" from Grandma Bea's closet

Shirt: Banana Republic Silk Blouse - Black
Pants: J. Crew Original Chino - White
Belt: J. Crew Refined Skinny Leather Belt - Black
Shoes: Kenneth Cole Patent Flats - Black
Necklace: Nordstrom Long pearl strand - Pearl
Upclose of the BR silk blouse - love me some polka dots! :)See? Like I said, nothing major or earth shattering. But, at least for now, my new business casual wardrobe provides me with several options. Add on top of this my dress collection (including a new
DVF dress I got at Bloomingdale's for a scant $60!) and some other separates to be posted about later, and I'm actually feeling quite good about presenting myself in a good manner!
If you have any comments, critiques, advise, or suggestions - please fell free to let me know! As I mentioned I've never been in a business casual environment before and therefore perhaps don't understand the intricacies of what is appropriate/expected.
On this note, by the time you are reading this I will be off to the mountains with Florida,
The Northerner, and her hubby and puppy for some quality camping time. If you've ever seen the four of us together...you know we are in for a
veeeeeeeeery interesting, and fun, weekend.
Have a wonderful weekend, Sweet Friends!

* For Capitol Hill staffers, this change of policy is usually called August recess...where far too often professional staffers are confused for tourists, save for the ID badge. Sigh...
PS - I apologize for the rumpled state of some of my clothes...they had been thrown into a suitcase in a makeshift attempt at cleaning the apartment before the landlord brought over a potential new tenant. Also, I know most of the pants (except for the rumply white ones) are too long...I unfortunately rarely wear them, as they were all (except for the rumply white ones) purchased during my last campaign when it because clear that my jeans - my only non-suit pants - were simply not going to zip any longer. And since I needed to wear them ASAP, I just rolled the cuff up and wore them like that. Pretty? No. Practical? Yes. Win some, lose some...
PPS - If you want some fun while shopping in your own closet,
head over to here and join in the fun! I plan on playing once I am settled in Arizona.